Silver Metal Fillings

silver metal fillings

What Are Silver Metal Fillings?

Silver metal fillings (commonly known as dental amalgam) are an inexpensive and highly durable material commonly used for filling tooth cavities.  Amalgam is a combination of metals that has been the most popular and effective filling material used in dentistry for the last 150 years. Amalgam actually consists of a combination of metals. These include silver, mercury, tin and copper. Small amounts of zinc, indium or palladium also may be used.

Tooth-colored white filling materials now can be used to restore teeth. Therefore amalgam is used less often than in the past. However, the newer materials can’t be used for all situations. Amalgam is less costly than other materials. It also holds up better over time, especially in teeth that undergo a lot of pressure and wear from chewing like the back molar teeth.

Do Some People Have Reactions To Amalgam?

In rare cases, people have allergic reactions to the mercury in amalgam. In order for you to find out whether you have an allergy to mercury, you will require an allergy test from your medical doctor. People allergic to mercury can receive other filling materials instead of using dental amalgam, such as white composite fillings.

Are There Alternatives To Silver Metal Fillings?

Dentists now commonly use other materials to restore teeth. These include composite resin (white fillings), porcelain and gold. Amalgam is stronger than composite resin and requires less time in the dentist’s chair. Composite resin is a tooth-colored material. Because it wears faster than amalgam, composite resin can’t be used in every situation. Porcelain and gold are also very strong materials, but they are more costly to place.

Should I Have My Amalgam Fillings Removed?

In general, you should replace amalgam fillings only when they are worn, broken or when there is decay beneath the filling. There is no evidence that dental amalgams can cause a problem. Removing good amalgam fillings results in unnecessary loss of healthy parts of the tooth and can release more mercury. If you are concerned about dental amalgam, feel free to give Divine Dental Care a call and our friendly and knowledgeable dentists can give you the advise that you need.